BLEE is Colour, Hue, Complexion, Form, Texture, Light, Consistency, Aspect, Appearance.

Category: Giallo


City Bell, La Plata, Argentina. Octubre 2015. CLIENT:  Univeristy of La Plata, Buenos Aires ACTION: The Department of Muralism together with the Department of Social Communication of the University of La Plata invited us, to participate in a project to be carried out with the neighbors, who go to the FINES program (state project for…


Naples, Italy.  May – june – july 2015 CLIENT:  IPM Nisida, Prison for Minors. Colaboration: Ass. Il Fazzoletto di Perle // Federica Nunziata – zooantropologa      ACTION: Progetto di Zooantropologia applicata e Arte partecipata realizzato in collaborazione con l’associazione il Fazzoletto di Perle presso l’IPM di Nisida, a Napoli. In tre mesi,  per una…